Deceased’s Name:
{Deceased’s Name (First):1.3} {Deceased’s Name (Middle):1.4} {Deceased’s Name (Last):1.6}
Deceased's Marital Status:
{Deceased\'s Marital Status:2}
Deceased's Maiden Surname:
{Deceased\'s Maiden Surname:3}
Deceased’s Date of Birth:
{Deceased’s Date of Birth:4}
Deceased’s Date of Death:
{Deceased’s Date of Death:6}
Date of your Will?:
Please provide any further useful information:
{Please provide any further useful information:48}
Have all of the beneficiaries/next of kin been identified or located?:
{Have all of the beneficiaries/next of kin been identified or located?:50}
Do you require assistance in identifying and locating beneficiaries and/or family members:
{Do you require assistance in identifying and locating beneficiaries and/or family members?:51}
Please provide details of the known next of kin:
{Please provide details of the known next of kin:52}
What is the approximate value (€) of the estate?
{What is the approximate value (€) of the estate?:53}
Please give your reason for looking for a Will and describe your relationship to the Deceased :
{Please give your reason for looking for a Will and describe your relationship to the Deceased:54}
{Your Name:19}
{Address (Street Address):37.1} {Address (Address Line 2):37.2} {Address (City):37.3} {Address (County / State):37.4} {Address (ZIP / Postal Code):37.5} {Address (Country):37.6}